Great Nature's Teaching

It is the Great Nature's Teaching that tells the positive way of life.

Great Nature’Teaching;Appreciation for life No.1

All the living things including human being are given life by the Great life of the Nature. 

No matter how we believe it or not, it is the natural fact.

 If we come to realize it and give our thanks of life, we come to be able to live with the great joy.

There is a tendency for us to live our daily lives without any thanks. 

A human body is made up of 60 trillion cells.

 And 50million cells replace the old with the new in a human body.

 We keep breathing and the heart is beating while we sleep without awareness. 

The great life energy and force of great nature, gives all the living things and make us alive day and night continuously. 

The life, spirit, and body are coming from the great natural life energy and force. 

That is why we can see, hear, talk, smell and taste.