Great Nature's Teaching

It is the Great Nature's Teaching that tells the positive way of life.

The power and work of great life in Great Nature

Great Nature has the power and work of great life.

Nature has the great heart and will and

do all the activities of nature, all things in nature.

Without the great life of nature, there will be no

living creatures, all beings or nature itself.

Just as the human mind conducts human society,

the great life and heart of nature are doing great

activities of nature.

Great Nature proves facts with facts.

For example, it proves the fact that it is an apple.

This is called the “self-evident” of nature.

With the fact that nature is a great activity,

there is the power of the great life of nature.

Great Nature has the power and work of great life.

Nature has the great heart and will and do all the 

activities of nature, all things in nature.

Without the great life of nature, there will be no living creatures, all beings or nature itself.

Just as the human mind conducts human society, the great life and heart of nature are doing great activities of nature.

Great Nature proves facts with facts.

For example, it proves the fact that it is an apple.

This is called the “self-evident” of nature.

With the fact that nature is a great activity, there is the power of the great life of nature.

This is self-evident truth.

However, Gods and Buddha of human religious denominations are not self-evident.

There is no proof of the sun goddess.

With self-evident truth we cannot prove that Amaterasu Okami is sun-goddest and sun -Buddha is Dainichi-Nyorai.

"It's not true.

The gods and buddhas of human religious denominations are
imagined and created by human hearts. It is a product of human “idea”.

For example, we cannot prove the obvious reason that Chiba-kun,the mascot of Chiba, really exists.

Chiba-kun is only a product of the idea that Chiba Prefecture imagined and created as friendly character.

It is the fact of nature's self-evident fact that all the gods and Buddhas on earth are only products of ideas created by human hearts.

No one can deny that there is a great- life-existence in Great Nature. Because it is a self-evident truth of nature.

The great-life-activity is "O-oyakami Daiseiei". The great heart and mind is "O-oyakami Daiseiei". With the great activity of O-oyakami Daiseiei all the living things and the matters in the universe can exist.